Tuesday, August 12, 2008


The last few days of our vacation were perfect. Everyone else headed home and we stayed at Grandma's house without all the chaos. Those days included hunting down 3 roots stores in order to keep a tradition alive, go to Canada = must get new Roots sweatshirts! Another visit to Granville Island, 1 more meal at White Spot, a moment at the grocery store to stock up on Smarties (not the US ones) and some relaxing time back at the house. We even had a chance to play badminton... and add a few birdies to the infamous tree :)! I tried to capture a few of the special places and things from around her house during our relaxing time....

A view to the basement

the birdie tree........

peering over the back fence....

...one more generation got to climb this tree.....

...the obligatory game of tag....

...you didn't think she could have all that grass and not tumble around on it did you?...

The Candy Dish!!!!

Hey did you know that these little pictures are made completely of sea shells? All these years and I had no clue!
...Yes while in Canada work still had to get done...

...Bart really liked the velvet picture.... I miss the pass through to the kitchen....

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


To those of you who have been groosed out the last few days .... we have an update!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Does it smell pizza in here? :)

Hello from Vancouver, Canada! And in case any of you were wondering you must leave your nuclear weapons at home :) Bart noticed this sign while we were driving up here and we had to go back just to get a picture! Our trek to the northwest began Thursday (the 31st) with a very early somewhat long flight to Seattle. Got the rental car collected my sister Lauren and her little boy and off we went. A little meandering after crossing the border a stop at a gas station for a map and the much coveted Smarties and we finally found our way to my Grandma's house.

And then we sat and waited for Grandma (my mom) to get there with the car load of fun!

Finally after a few hours of exploring Great Grandma's house Grandma showed up and it was off to dinner! YUUUMMMMM!

Where else does your dinner come in a pirate ship with a golden coin!!!! :)

Day 2 of our vacation took us to one of my favorite spots in the whole world...

We ate fish and chips on the water, the kids chased the birds, a bustling market place full of fresh fruits and veggies of every kind... unbelievably delicious treats round every corner..... arts and crafts like you've never seen..... someone singing or playing guitar down every other aisle. This is the place I remember most as a kid with my sisters playing on the steps chasing those same overfed seagulls!

Lauren and Brendan

My kids have some very cool uncles and aunts that are not too cool to do kid stuff with them.

After the market it was back to the hotel for a swim.... the crazy lady would not stop doing cartwheels into the water :) Had to show off for Grandma!

And we wrapped up day two with spaghetti dinner at Great Grandma's house. Day 2 - a success!

Day 3 took us to Cultas lake water park and then in the evening over to the lake for a family reunion. The pictures kind of speak for themselves....

Brendan cautiously exploring the baby park....

This frog we figure is about as old as me!

All that water time made some one sleepy....

Proof it is time to go....

Off to the lake we go...

We love our crazy uncles....

Brendan will hold Grandma's hand... maybe...

This picture is a little decieving.... we look close in height, but my 'little' brother is really 14 inches taller than me!!!!

Brendan would only get close enough to me to show me his feather through my long zoom lense :)

Give the boy a lake and some rocks and he is content for a really long time.... that is until he decides the little ones aren't good enough any more

Four generations together, hasn't happened for a long time and might not again in the near futre...

Line dancing at it's finest.... atop the shoulders of uncles!

Who could possibly resist the chicken dance with Uncle Matt.... ok maybe every one except any little girl under the age of 7...

Day three finaly done and in bed at midnight.....

kids all ready excited for day 4 ~ Whiterock Beach!

Of course we end up there on the busiest day of the year (a local festivle and night time parade that day) so we had to drop every one off and park a ways away.... thats what we have uncles for... isn't it? :)

There were tons of baby crabs in the water left inland that the kids could catch....

Good old Uncle Morgan was such a good sport and let the kids burry him in the sand. But this was no low class operatgion.... no.... they turned him into a mermaid! Thanks Morgan for putting up with the silliness!

Silliness is not what should be used to describe this guy. Sure it would have been nice to have some great music while sitting in perfect weather on a beautiful beach. Nope we got this kid.... who couldn't even play a scale without squawking like a dying seagull. But he kept trying and trying and trying...... for way too long... untill I had finaly heard enough and told him I hadn't come all the way from Texas to listen to the noise so find some indoors to play in :) It worked he left.... or at least far enough for us to not have to listen to him anymore.

As the tide came all the way in at about 5:30 we sat and ate buckets (litteraly buckets) of fish and chips laughing together making memories that I hope my kids will hold as close to their hearts as their mom does.

These two were sure they could sail away!

Time with family (even if it is kind of a circus show) and laughter in the places I loved as a child their age are something I am so glad we had the opportunity to give them at an age they will be able to remember. As Great Grandma gets ready to put her house up for sale on Friday fond memories and good times are rushing back to the front of my mind as I sit here and type. The badminton wars... the green chicklet dress and hats in the dress up box.... the Dairy Queen treats that could always be found in the deep freeze.... watching Fragle Rock and putting barretts in Grandpa's couple of strands of remaining hair.... it makes me wonder what things and and memeories I am giving to them.

Hey Michael I really think it smells like pizza! Maybe there is a buffet!