Saturday, November 14, 2009 year...

In one year we can...

Have Thanksgiving - even when giving thanks was next to impossible
Finally get out of my 20's while ringing in the 2009 year
Become the mother of a 7 and 9 year old
Said good bye to 1st grade forever and managed to make it through the first round of 3rd grade
Made that epic long drive to Utah
Celebrated a very special birthday in an unusual way.

We have even started decorating for the holidays

In one year we have shed so many tears
For the last 365 days we have tried to figure out how to be in this word without you in it.
In one year it still doesn't feel any better that you are gone. We all miss you terribly and long for the day we will see you again!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 4 of 30.....

Today I am grateful for my gadgets! My gadgets that add music to my life, the ones that help me remember kids dentist appointments and the 3579 other place I need to be every day, the ones that allow me to have my own business, the ones who tell me just how fast I can get my heart pumping, the ones who keep us connected to loved ones far away and the ones that keep organized Christmas lists password protected from curios little folks. (Yes there is even an App for that)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day 3 of 30....

Today I am grateful for the un-related adults that are helping me shape my kids lives! Prepared teachers every morning, the most patient encouraging soccer coach on the planet, fun primary teachers, gymnastic coaches that can have as much fun as the girls while training them....I know I couldn't get these two little people to productive adults without all of you - so THANK YOU!

This generations version of sponge rollers?

There are a few people in miss Jorden's life that can truly appreciate this post. I have found the torture equivalent of sponge rollers that actually manage to curl her hair! Just thought I would let you have a little chuckle :)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Ironmom!!!! I did it!!!!

I did it! I did it! I did it! And yes I will do it again :)

So here is the report....

2100+ of us gathered in the pre-dawn hours with all of our gear (and there is a lot of gear) to be crazy together for eightish hours. All of us there for different reasons and goals.... all of us reaching for the same finish line. All the work that lead up to this moment was about to be put to the test. Would it be enough? Would it get us to our finish lines? My reason, My Goal for this race? This was my happy birthday to Michael! His birthday was the 28th so on the 25th I would push myself harder than I ever had for him, I would learn what I am made of.

For those who don't know what this would entail here is the low down...

1.2 mile open water swim + 56 mile Bike + 13.1 mile Run

Due to the enormous amount of people racing this race was a wave start by age group and gender, except the pros. They got to go first. That was so awesome to have almost an hour before it was my turn to start and have the chance to see the pros. They flew around that lake. We were right on the shore where they swam right past us into the finish. It took them about 17 minutes!!!!

Green caps were the pros.... purple/pink caps was my division. The swim went ok. Swimming has never been my strongest point but I did get through it close to the time I thought it would take. 48:27 and I was climbing out of the water and heading to the wetsuit strippers and onto transition #1 - this was a two transition location race.

We then headed out for a long hill filled full of head winds 56 mile bike ride. I felt pretty good heading out. The swim didn't get me too disoriented. Grabbed my bike, strapped on my helmet and out I went. I can truly say I have never felt like just quitting in the middle of a race but there were moments on the bike near the end when I learned what that feeling feels like. Every time though someone would ride up behind me and ask about my "Running for Michael" tag that I had on my back and it was just enough of a reminder of why I was out here, and I pedaled on.

I finished up the epic ride in 3:50:34, right about what I realistically thought it would take. Pulled into transition #2 racked my bike, switched my shoes, grabbed my PB&J and headed out for my run. The course was changed a few days before the race due to the drought conditions in Austin this year which made the run a 3 loop course! Could they make this any more mentally challenging? The first loop was mostly walking due to feeling like I was going to throw up. Drank a ton of water on that first loop trying to flush out my system. It seemed to work, loops 2 & 3 I felt much more capable of running - albeit not very fast. 2:54:43 I rounded that last last and into the finish line in the stadium. I have never been so happy to cross a finish line, but at the same time there were so many emotions that I carried with me across that same finish line. I had done it, but not without my little brother cheering me on, carrying me through that line through the words and encouragement of others out on the course who cheered for me when I needed it the most, when I was so close to not finishing the volunteer picking up cups on the side of the road looked up and told me "Michael is so proud of you" and I knew he was there at that moment.

7 hours 49 minutes and 28 seconds!!!

Will I do it again? ABSOLUTELY!!!!! Not next year but October 2011 I will be back out there on the road and in the water. Will you be there with me?

Day 2 of 30

Today I am grateful for the encouraging words of good friends. There is something special about people who remember special days in the lives of their friends, not just birthdays, but big events and the days that are going to be hard to get though for one reason or another. I am astounded at the phone calls this last week to make sure I survived my race, the friends who searched me out at church and passed on words of encouragement and little messages left for me on facebook and in my inbox. I hold dear my friends that make themselves somewhat vulnerable in their words in an effort to help me reach my goals and dreams.

So here is to you, my friends, I don't always know what to say and I am not great at returning phone calls but your words are held very dear!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Thirty days of thankful!

It is November, the month we celebrate Thanksgiving. This year I want to spend the next thirty days being thankful, grateful.

Today I am grateful it is finally November! Christmas is my most favorite time of year and now that it is November, signs of the season are now allowed to start creeping out :) I know many of you feel it should stay put away until after we gorge ourselves in turkey and cranberries but the magic I see in my children's eyes and the warmth it brings to our house are something I treasure and want to enjoy as long as possible. So today it is November that is making me smile.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Harry Potter, Dorothy and the roosterdog that didn't happen!

Happy Halloween from 1 miss Dorothy...

and 1 Harry Potter...

and Jackson was going to be a rooster but really preferred to just chew on the costume and really hasn't figured out how to be a good walker on the leash so he went one block and retired for the night.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Meet Jackson.... the crazy puppy!

So within a few days of loosing Cooper we were fortunate enough to find a new breeder who had a perfect dog. Same golden doodle breed just a new color, twice as big as Cooper was (even though he was born a month later) and has much more of those new puppy tendencies that I had heard of! (ie. chewing on everything, jumpy - very very jumpy, fun things like that)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Not a good day!

There will be an update (very long) post coming oh so soon, but today was a horrible day! After welcoming Cooper (see the cute little puppy below) into our house only 12 days ago we had to say goodbye to him today. The poor little puppy that had totally worked his way into our hearts in these few short days was very very sick with several different things but mostly a congenital (genetic) disorder causing his body to not use protein. He fought so hard for the last 24 hours to try and get better, but it just wasn't in the cards. This afternoon the kids and I went over to the vet to say goodbye and let him go and keep uncle Michael company for a while. The kids are devastated and want to know why "everyone we love keeps dying" to which I don't have any answer other than life can be hard.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It was that time of year again (wooohooo)!

Let the whirlwind of 4th and 2nd grade begin. Great teachers again this year! And we are off!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Help us name this new addition!

This little puppy is going to be joining our family in September! There are a few names floating around but none of them seem to be just right. Suggestions?

A Photo Story (and proof we have been alive) of the last 8 weeks!

How time flies when you are away having fun. So here is the run down on where the MIA Bailey family has been.....

Rows and rows of goody boxes must mean one thing...

Another Ragnar!

Our night before meet up at Chelle's house. It isn't easy to co-ordinate 24 strangers from around the country :)

I feel so lucky to have done this and gotten to know these 23 other amazing ladies!

Kelly's stinky shoes riding on top of the car... yes they were that bad :)

when you feel like flipping off mother nature... she fights back!

There were frantic clapping games with crazy fun uncles!

There was lounging in the backyard
(she was smiling right before this and then pinched her fingers)

Then we all (21 of us) made the trek up to Alpine Wyoming for the 4t of July! Fun abounded everywhere. This just might be the new family tradition!

Crafting in the cabins...
They even got to be in the Afton Parade!
Earl just might have had the biggest truck too!

Crazy candy collecting....

Becoming a true local!

Then there were the games. Popcorn races, flag relays, and water balloon parachute volley ball which quickly deteriorated into just water balloons.

Hunter got to be big and go play paintball with the guys!

We hiked up to inspiration point and hidden falls after a
beautiful ride across Jenny Lake.

The buffalo that we watched some lady make some very poor decisions around :)

We celebrated Papa's birthday with tinfoil dinners in little Gray's canyon
followed by fishing.

The benefit of Granny and Papa still having a place in California is fresh squeezed grapefruit juice in the beautiful surroundings of Wyoming!

Megan took us to this great little splash park in Herriman.

We did the midnight showing in full costume of Harry Potter!

We hung out with Brendan for a couple days, and nights, while Lauren worked on getting little miss Jane here!
And she finally got here!

Look at all that black hair!
She has super long feet

We enjoyed Draper Days! 5k with the whole family, the kids at the carnival with Grandpa, swimming and a bb-q at the Malmrose house, the horse pull and Fireworks!

A priceless moment of a second generation of friends. Kora even gave Hunter her address so they could write to each other.

Never to early to get in on the family tradition of Wacky Six! 5 days is a new record.

Cowabunga Bay. The kids saw this for six weeks and begged and pleaded until we finally gave in 3 days before we left.

On the way home we spent a day in Moab. We went to Arches, swam in Mill Creek and got part of the way out to Michael's crash site. The dirt was just too soft and the impending rain clouds over head made us hesitant to go any farther. Next time we will rent a Jeep and get all the way out there.

Other things we did that we don't have pictures for:

~ The Oquirrh Hills Temple Open House
~ The Jon Schmidt Concert
~ Taking the kids to see a group called Eclipse at the Sandy ampitheater.
~ The Lehi Rec center with Megan and the kids
~ Watching Jorden play basketball with Deitrich (who is 6+ feet tall)
~ Meeting and holding Brynn
~ Jumping on the trampoline with Lauren to try and get that baby out!
~ Pulling off Sandy's surprise birthday party
~ Raspberry shakes at bear lake