Friday, November 18, 2011

Insta Friday ~ Edition 10... 11/18/2011

Linking up with Life Rearranged... to find more insta-friday's click on the cute icon!

life rearranged

21 Red balloons sent heavenward with wishes and dreams for Uncle Micheal's 21st birthday.  Oh how we miss that kid!

He actually read the owners manual for his bike!  We found some very very amusing things covered in that 'book'

Channelling her inner fish

He was a trooper through the swim

We have 2 new triathletes in the house!  They were awesome!

You never know where an angry bird is going to show up

It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas 
His favorite resting place

a little bit of a wild soul

Pumpkin guts- Gross!
One of the many beautiful churches we saw in New York
Life size ugly {an 11 year old requested I bring this home for him}

We came - I ran- it was an AMAZING race as far as the energy and excitement.

My breakfast as of lately.  Scrambled eggs sautéed onions and avocado- YUM!

Maybe if I sit on her chair she will play more with me!

A little ruffled

What's on your play list today?

Favorite sleeping spot... no one can sneak in or out

Seriously ... my grace and cooking abilities are just sometimes too much for each other!

Top Dog?


Jodi said...

Love your pics... especially the peas on the floor :) are your dogs doodles? They look like my friends labradoodle... which we LOVE. We have a schnoodle - better sized for our small house!

TheUnSoccerMom said...

OH my, I LOVE your doggie! So, so, cute!

yay for triathletes!! I miss my daughter being on the swim team... the all day swim meets?? not so much.

beautiful family! great post!

Kimberly @ A Night Owl said...

hi there! thanks for leaving a comment, LOVE the shoes you posted as well! AND i'm planning to do a christmas list next week, so fun! new follower :)